
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering aims to produce the engineers with the abilities:

  • To make the students best in analytical ability, technical skills and engineering concepts those are necessary to renovate a concept into a reliable, commercial and safe product.
  • To develop the students in core areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in order to make them suitable for working in core Industries, research establishment and also as entrepreneurs by understanding the importance of professional ethics and codes of professional practice.
  • To enhance the knowledge of the students in multidisciplinary areas with good scientific and engineering scope to understand, examine and design products.
  • To prepare the students to understand problems relevant to the society and provide ethical engineering solutions.
  • To encourage student consciousness for continuous learning and importance of professional ethics and codes of professional practice.

Vision and Mission


To emerge as a valuable global resource for power sector and consumer electronics.


  • To utilize efficient and required teaching methodologies to nurture learners, as well as, establish industry-institute interactions.
  • To execute projects with integrity and ethics keeping pace with the latest trends in power industry.
  • To develop energy parks to handle various sustainable challenges in the society.
  • To upgrade the technical knowledge and skills of faculty through quality improvement programmes.


Dr. R. Athilingam

Dr. R. Athilingam

Associate Professor/ HoD

Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) is the front runner because of its recent recognition and adoption by all industries and academia, thereby gaining self-confidence of our students to compete successfully with all competitive disciplines. It imparts quality education in multifarious disciplines of Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Control Engineering, etc. along with generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power and a set of subjects specially focusing on the performance and design of DC, AC and Special Electric Machines. The inherent skills of our students are being well nurtured by highly qualified faculty and hard working staff in achieving goals & objectives of the Department.




Dr. R. Athilingam

Name: Dr. R. Athilingam

Designation: Associate Professor/ HoD

Mr. K. Ganesh

Name: Mr. K. Ganesh

Designation: Assistant professor

Mr. R. Raja Karthick

Name: Mr. R. Raja Karthick

Designation: Assistant professor

Mrs.A. Nishetha Jeflin Nixon

Name: Mrs.A. Nishetha Jeflin Nixon

Designation: Assistant professor

Mrs. M. Vijayalakshmi

Name: Mrs. M. Vijayalakshmi

Designation: Assistant professor

Mr. C. Shiva

Name: Mr. C. Shiva

Designation: Assistant professor

Mrs. N. Abirami

Name: Mrs. N. Abirami

Designation: Assistant professor

Mr. R. Pandi Prabakaran

Name: Mr. R. Pandi Prabakaran

Designation: Assistant professor

Mrs. M. Monica Dhana Ranjini

Name: Mrs. M. Monica Dhana Ranjini

Designation: Assistant professor