
Department of Information Technology


The Department of Information Technology aims to produce the engineers with the abilities:

  • Understand the Multidisciplinary Domain of Information Science and work towards Industrial needs.
  • Develop ethically consistent and adaptive technicians to thrive in this ever demanding field of Information technology.
  • Contribute to the technical, scientific and economic needs of the specialization sector in IT field.

Vision and Mission


To bring out streamlined technocrats for building sustenance civilization.


  • To inculcate technologies that decodes the solution for real world exigency.
  • To encourage and develop generous and ethical contributions to cater the industrial demands.
  • To impart and ignite the research skills along with soft skills to shine in the era of automation.


Dr. M. Sathya

Dr. M. Sathya

Associate Professor / HoD

The Information Technology department aims at nurturing a conducive upbringing for erudition and research by use of appropriate computing technologies in its everyday activities. The department mainly equips its students with technological expertise and appropriate skills in the field of information technology. Students at IT are nurtured to become best software professionals or Entrepreneurs in their own innovative way. The prime objective of the department endeavors is to produce confident professionals tuned to real time working environment. The department offers excellent academic environment with a team of highly qualified faculty members to inspire the students to develop their technical skills and inculcate the spirit of team work in them.


Network Experts in Unified Systems


Dr. M. Sathya

Name: Dr. M. Sathya

Designation: Associate Professor / HoD

Mrs. A. Sangeetha

Name: Mrs. A. Sangeetha

Designation: Assistant professor

Mrs. G. Keerthana

Name: Mrs. G. Keerthana

Designation: Assistant professor

Mrs. J. Kanimoli

Name: Mrs. J. Kanimoli

Designation: Assistant professor